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About.... Freed by Flamenco

   ​Find your freedom and happiness to make your own sunshine. If not dance, an art form yet unknown to you? A sport of individual or group focus?

  Follow Sandra Samore's true life story of discovery and. pursuit of her passion. She reveals how she conquered depression and coped with the mental health challenges of  family members. A visit to Spain was where her flame of interest was ignited. Finally, at the age of 35, she found her teacher and dance partner. Sandra shares the stumbles and triumphs of professional performances that provided her escape and joy.

   Discover the mental health benefits of sorting your thoughts through journaling ideas at the end of each chapter. Uncover a path that you can claim as your own.

   Learn and explore this centuries-old art form of flamenco that is continually evolving. In this riveting memoir, Sandra reveals how she mastered the dance in spite of the language barrier and the layers of the Spanish culture.

   Kindle the passion within you. Freed by Flamenco: an inspiration to take charge, transform your life, find purpose, and persevere toward the sunshine that can be yours.

     "As long as we keep searching, the answers come."  ~ Joan Baez ~

Sandra-Samore's book on Amazon
Spanish street scene without people and geraniums on the balcony_edited.jpg
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